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The Dawn of the Idea, Juried Art Show 

Art on the Ave

Meet the Jury

Submission Criteria 



The Dawn of the Idea

This year, AoA has chosen "The Ingenuity of the Arts" as their theme. Ingenuity (noun) the quality of being clever, original, and inventive. We have decided to take that one step further and explore the Dawn of the Idea. What is a new idea? How do we form original ideas? What sparks your creativity? Any of these can be answered in your creative representations. 


All submitted artwork should represent this theme in some capacity. It is encouraged that the artist writes a short paragraph to accompany their piece, explaining how it portrays the theme.

Show Type


Artists submit their work to be reviewed by a panel of judges. 

This panel will select the pieces to be displayed, choosing those that best represent the theme. A best in show, first, second and third place will be determined during their review process. The announcement of the winners and prize distribution will take place at the event on Sunday, July 21st at the 6th ave Art on The Ave. There will be a people's choice vote during the show at AoA. The jury is looking for pieces of art that display ingenuity, novel idea making, creative portrayals of ideas, inventive thoughts or subject-matter, clever applications or any combination of those. 


Jury panel and awards coming soon.. 

Artwork Requirements

DEADLINE: SUNDAY JUNE 30th. Submissions must be received virtually by midnight on June 30th.  Any submissions received after this deadline will not be considered for the show.


We are accepting artwork  including but not limited to, 2D: drawing, painting, printmaking, photography and digital illustration. 3D: sculpture, glass, ceramic, bronze, wood, weaving/fiber or mixed media.  


Please submit high quality images. Artwork should be in focus. If your 2D work includes a frame, please submit images with the frame - you will not be judged on framing. Include bases and stands in 3D images. 


You may submit up to three (3) images for consideration. Submitting your work does not guarantee acceptance to this show. THIS IS A JURIED SHOW. 


We are accepting pieces of all mediums. Artwork cannot exceed 60" one direction. 


Work-In-Progress or Concept pieces can be submitted but will require additional explanation of how the artist intends the project to look once completed. If selected for the show, any pieces not completed by the given drop-off-date will not be eligible for prizes.


All work must be ready to show, meaning: it is in a frame or equipped with the appropriate hardware to be hung from a wall, freestanding or comes with appropriate supports to stand on its own. Any work that does not meet these requirements at the time it is received will be removed from the show and will not be eligible for prizes. If you need help preparing your work to be shown please contact Artco Framing & Gallery as soon as possible and they can assist with hanging hardwear and framing. 

Submission Fees

Siding Scale Donation

We do our best to accommodate all artists from various backgrounds and means. Along with your submission we ask that you pay a submission fee between $0 - $35. This fee will go towards prizes, setup of the show, accommodations, Anxious Tomato staff, and other expenses associated with us making this all possible.

We couldn't do it without YOU!


Our event takes place at Locust Cider Tacoma in the heart of the 6th Ave Business District, 2805 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA 98406. Artwork will be installed the night before AoA, Saturday July 20th and will hang until the following weekend, Sunday July 28th. 

Artwork Delivery/Pickup

Please have your artwork delivered or shipped to Artco Framing & Gallery, 5401 6th Ave #321 Tacoma, WA 98406, no later than Friday July 19th at 6pm. Any artwork not delivered to the gallery will not be included in the show, NO EXCEPTIONS. If you plan to ship your work: artists are responsible for their own shipping costs to and from the venue. You are required to send artwork in a reusable box or packaging and with a pre paid return shipping label. 


Pickup of artwork will be from Locust Cider directly, Please make sure you arrange other pickup if you cannot make it on or by the 28th of July. 

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